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Queen Mamohato Memorial Hospital Admits to Staff Attitude Issues Toward Patients Amid 145 Staff Shortages

22 July 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi Est. Read Time: 6m 18s Listen to this article: At the Queen Mamohato Memorial Hospital (QMMH), a significant challenge has been identified: an issue with staff attitudes that affects patient care. Acting Managing Director Moleboheng Sello-Tau has acknowledged the problem and is committed to addressing [...]

Unyielding Commitment: The Tireless Guardians of Nazareth Health Centre

This first installment of our two-part series examines the layers of Lesotho’s healthcare crisis, from chronic staff shortages to inadequate medical supplies that send patients on a desperate search for basic medication like Panadol. 8 January 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi Est Read Time: 4 min(s) 13 sec(s) Listen to this article: [...]