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How Rangelands Rehabilitation is Offering a Ray of Hope in the Fight Against Climate Change

…In Lesotho, government and LHDA efforts to rehabilitate degraded rangelands are not only revitalising local ecosystems but also providing a sustainable lifeline for communities dependent on agriculture. 28 June 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi Est. Read Time: 5m 9s Listen to this article: At 64, Motanya Liphoto has seen it all—from working [...]

Community Voices Demand Solutions for Access to Clean Water

As climate change worsens water scarcity, Lesotho faces access challenges, prompting government initiatives and community advocacy for equitable water provision solutions. 10 June 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi Est. Read Time: 4m 37s Listen to this article: A ten-year-old, *Thabo Ntai, places a 20-litre container under the spout of a protected well, [...]

How Lesotho Farmers are Tackling Food Waste Head-on

14 May 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi  Est Read Time: 5 min(s) 51 sec(s) Listen to this article: A selection of organically grown vegetables – including oversized pumpkins, carrots, beetroot, butternut, radishes and spinach– is displayed on the table in front of their growers. While some fresh produce items, like carrots, radishes, [...]

Lillane’s Green Success: Adapting with the Machobane Farming System

23 April by Pascalinah Kabi  Est Read Time: 5 min(s) 46 sec(s) Listen to this article: A vast potato field tended by farmer Tsikane Lillane. This is the second crop of potatoes, soon to be harvested for consumption. Photo Credit: Pascalinah Kabi A sea of vibrant green potato leaves blankets the [...]

Water polluted by Letšeng mine poses deadly risk to infants, probe uncovers

08 April 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi This investigation was produced in partnership with the Pulitzer Centre.  Est Read Time: 8 min(s) 33 sec(s) Listen to this article: Infants who consume water from Maloraneng Stream could face a potentially deadly threat – suffocation induced by hemoglobinemia disease. This is according to a government [...]

Chief Justice Sakoane to Rule on Villagers’ Compensation Case against Letšeng Diamonds Mine

20 March 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi  Est Read Time: 5 min(s) 11 sec(s) Listen to this article: ‘Mapontso Lematla (right) and Sephapo Moletsane (left) want the Lesotho High Court to order Letšeng Diamonds Mine to pay them for several years they worked as emergency responders. Two azure strings, meticulously twisted into [...]

Lesotho to Host Inaugural Mining Conference Amid Mounting Environmental Concerns and Social Tensions

18 March 2024 by Liapeng Raliengoane/Motsamai Mokotjo  As Lesotho gears up to host its inaugural Mining Indaba Khotla, there is a pressing need to confront the realities surrounding the country’s mining and environmental laws. This event, scheduled for April 25 and 26, 2024, at the ‘Manthabiseng Convention Centre in Maseru, [...]

Political Interference Derails M2.4 million Land Reclamation Project

04 March 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi  Est Read Time: 4 min(s) 5 sec(s) Listen to the excerpt of the Natural Resources Committee proceedings in Sesotho: Minister of Environment, Letsema Adontši, and Principal Secretary Maphakamile Xingwana led the ministry’s delegation during their appearance before the Natural Resources’ Portfolio Committee on February 29, [...]