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Empowering Africa: Newborn Screening and Policy Recommendations to Tackle Rare Genetic Conditions

12 February 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi  Est Read Time: 9 min(s) 34 sec(s) Credit: The Plight of Rare Diseases in Southern Africa: Health and Social Services Policy Recommendations. “I would be told to do squats as punishment. But I cannot even do simple squats, my medical condition doesn’t allow me.” Amidst [...]

Empowering Communities: Tanzania’s Dr Mohamed Zahir Explores the Role of Newborn Screening in Africa’s Healthcare Landscape

Dr Mohamed Zahir, third from left, attended a national human genetics stakeholders meeting co-organised by Tanzania Human Genetics Organisation and the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR). Credit: Aneth David. In Lesotho, as in many African countries, the challenge of rare diseases persists, often exacerbated by the absence of newborn [...]