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Incomplete Abortions Continue to Dominate Hospital Admissions in Lesotho: 2022 Statistical Report

6 November 2023 by Pascalinah Kabi In a concerning revelation, a 2022 report from the Lesotho Bureau of Statistics has brought to light a troubling trend within the country’s healthcare system. According to the report, the primary cause of female hospital admissions in Lesotho is incomplete abortions. “The main reason for [...]

Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Remains a Gendered Issue: Here is How Lesotho is Changing the Narrative

In many African family settings, open discussions and seeking sexual and reproductive health services by men and boys continue to be regarded as taboo. These deeply ingrained social and gender norms hinder the uptake of SRH (Sexual and Reproductive Health) services among men and boys, often at the expense of [...]