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Water polluted by Letšeng mine poses deadly risk to infants, probe uncovers

08 April 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi This investigation was produced in partnership with the Pulitzer Centre.  Est Read Time: 8 min(s) 33 sec(s) Listen to this article: Infants who consume water from Maloraneng Stream could face a potentially deadly threat – suffocation induced by hemoglobinemia disease. This is according to a government [...]

Political Interference Derails M2.4 million Land Reclamation Project

04 March 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi  Est Read Time: 4 min(s) 5 sec(s) Listen to the excerpt of the Natural Resources Committee proceedings in Sesotho: Minister of Environment, Letsema Adontši, and Principal Secretary Maphakamile Xingwana led the ministry’s delegation during their appearance before the Natural Resources’ Portfolio Committee on February 29, [...]