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How Rangelands Rehabilitation is Offering a Ray of Hope in the Fight Against Climate Change

…In Lesotho, government and LHDA efforts to rehabilitate degraded rangelands are not only revitalising local ecosystems but also providing a sustainable lifeline for communities dependent on agriculture. 28 June 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi Est. Read Time: 5m 9s Listen to this article: At 64, Motanya Liphoto has seen it all—from working [...]

‘Muso ha ona Chelete ea ho Fallisa Thotobolo ea Ha Tšosane.

5 Motšeanong 2024 ka Pascalinah Kabi Lekhotla la Motse-moholo Maseru (MCC) ha lena limilione tse makholo a mane tsa maloti, tse hlokahalang ho fallisa thotobolo ea Ha Tšosane. MCC e boetse e tobane le qholotso ea hore boithuto ba tikoloho (Environmental Impact Assessment), bo felletsoe ke nako, ‘me sena se [...]